Stock our products
We’re an independent UK based company working hard to bring our Shower Blocks to the masses.
Below are the different ways in which you can buy wholesale from us for resale.
Scroll down to find out more about each purchasing method.
Direct Purchasing
Please touch base using the form (our preferred method of working with you).
We have a number of purchasing options to suit your size and buying needs.
Price list available on request..
10% off your first direct wholesale order for ALL new independent retail customers. Just ask when you order.
Contact form
Wholesale Websites
We’re available on Faire for anyone that does their purchasing there.
A lathery £100 off your first order for new customers too, as well as free shipping for 1 whole year.
Just click the link below.
We’re available on Ankorstore for anyone that does their purchasing there.
Use discount code – LIFT-FCNXCUAA – for a bubbly £100 off your first order for new customers.
Just click the link below.